
Working vs. Permanent File


Permanent File

When working on the close process, you may have documents that need to be carried forward each period. You can attach these as a Permanent File, so they always recur with the task. For example, if you have a 5-year loan with an amortization schedule, you can attach that document to the Loan Reconciliation Task. This way, the document will always be included with the task in every close period and you can find it handy whenever you need to reconcile the balance.

Working File

Working files are specific to each close period. For example, if you're working on the March 2024 close, and one of the tasks is to reconcile the Sales Tax Payable balance between your books and the Point of Sale system, you can attach a screenshot from the Point of Sale system for March 2024. This file will be added as a working file for that reconciliation task. However, it won't carry forward to the April 2024 close. For April, you would attach a new screenshot for that period.

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