
Working through To-do


To-dos are the regular tasks you do every day, week, or just once that aren't closing activities. For instance, typical tasks such as Processing Vendor Bills, Recording Payroll Entries, Recording Transactions from Bank feeds, and so on can be set up and managed using the To-Do Module. Another example is onboarding tasks that you do, which are more of a one-time.

To keep your routine tasks separate from your closing tasks, we have a module named 'To-do' that helps you manage all such tasks.

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Explaining each field of To-do

While creating a To-Do, you have different fields to set up. They are explained below:

Task Name - Enter the To-Do Name, such as Recording transactions from Bank Feed or vendor bills.

Select the Client - Select the client you're creating the task for.

Select Folder - Select the folder where the To-Do should live. It's a required field, and you must select the proper folder. Folders are ways to categorize tasks. For example, you can have folders like Onboarding, Routine Bookkeeping, Sales Tax, 1099, etc.

Description - This is where you may include additional details about the Task. For example, you may write step-by-step guidelines or steps to complete a particular task. This becomes very handy for the person who is doing the task, so they don't have to refer to any external document.

Tags - Tags are ways to categorize To-Dos. For Example, you can use tags to classify to-dos further by subtypes like Payroll, AP, AR, etc.

Assignee - Select the assignee who has to do the To-Do. This is an optional field. At a time, you can only have one assignee.

Due Date - Set the due date for the To-Do here.

Recurrence - You've got a few options to set the recurrence.

  • Daily - You can choose to recur the task for each day. You've also got an option to skip weekends.
  • Weekly - You can choose to recur the tasks on a specific day of the week. You can also choose the tasks to recur bi-weekly by defining the 'Every 2 Weeks' frequency.
  • Monthly - You can choose to recur the tasks on a monthly basis. You can choose to set the recurrence by a specific date (say every 15th of the month) as well as the day (say every 3rd Thursday) of the month.
  • Yearly - You can choose to recur the tasks on a yearly basis. You can choose to set the recurrence by a specific date (say every 15th of the month) as well as the day (say every 3rd Thursday) of the month.

You can set Start Date and End Date for each type of recurrence. The start date will define when the recurrence starts, and the end date will define when the recurrence should stop.

Sub-Tasks - Sub-Tasks are smaller to-do items as a part of the parent To-Do. Just like to-do, you can add detailed information like assignee, due date, description, etc., to subtasks. An option to create Sub-tasks isn't enabled by default. If you want this, it needs to be enabled from Settings --> To-do Settings.

Checklist - Checklists are also smaller to-do items as part of the parent To-Do. Unlike Sub-Tasks, you can't have separate assignees, due dates, or any other details for the Checklist. Consider creating checklists to include a step-by-step guide to do a particular to-do.

Attachments - You can attach any supporting documents to do a particular to-do.

Priority - If you want to set the priority for To-Do, you can set it.

Privacy - By default, all the to-dos created will be public to-dos. Meaning they will be visible to all the users who have access to the client. If you want to keep the to-do private between the assignor and assignee, you can set it as a Private Task. Whether you want this feature or not, you can set it in Settings for To-Do. Learn more

Custom Fields - Custom fields are managed at the firm level and can be used as additional information to categorize To-Do. For example, You can create a custom field for the task frequency with a dropdown type having values as Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, and so on. You can create different types of custom fields using Date, Text, Dropdown, Number, and URL field types. Once enabled, custom fields will start to show up for all the clients.