To-do Template
You can save time by creating templates for your usual tasks. Templates make it easy to bring in these tasks quickly, so you don't have to create them from scratch every time for every client.
To create a new To-do Template, Go to Settings> Templates>To-do>New Template

- Whichever template you want to import to a client, go to that template.
- Then, Click the Add to Client file option.
- By default, all to-dos are selected. So, if you only want to bring specific To-dos from the template, select them accordingly.
- Select the clients in which you want to import these To-dos.

If you're already in a client and want to import the To-do list from the template, here is how to do so.

If you want to rename, duplicate, or delete a To-Do template, you can do so by clicking on the three vertical dots at the far right side of the template and performing the action of your choice as below:

Updated 14 May 2024

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