Sync Process
When you update any transactions in Xenett, they're instantly synced to the Accounting system. However, if you edit something in the Accounting system, you'll need to initiate the sync process in Xenett to get the latest data.
There are 2 types of Sync Quick Sync
It only updates the data that's been changed or added since the last time it synced with Xenett.
Full Sync
It will retrieve ALL data regardless of the previous sync. Quick Sync works faster, completing in just a few seconds by fetching only a limited amount of data, while Full Sync may take longer as it brings in all the data.
For instance, let's say the last sync was on April 25, 2024, at 4:30 PM EST. Now it's 5:45 PM. If I choose Quick Sync, it will only bring the new or changed data between these times. But if I opt for Full Sync, it will fetch all the data from the accounting system, whether it's changed or not, and update it in Xenett.